Employee Spotlight: Meet Jessica Houston

We have the best team and we’re so proud of the positive, incredible group of individuals we have here at Salt Jacket. Our Employee Spotlight Series allows us to learn more about their lives and share it with our customers and colleagues. Today we sat down with Salt Jacket Billing Specialist, Jessica Houston. Here’s what she had to say…

Salt Jacket: Tell us a little about yourself

Jessica Houston: I have been in the insurance industry since 2017 and I love being a part of this agency! I am married and coming up on my 10 year wedding anniversary. We have one son, Joe who is 14 and just a wiz in school with all of his extracurricular activities. Then we have 3 pup babies as well! In my spare time, I help manage an AirBnB with my life-long friend of 25 years, and I love to cook. Fun fact is that I am vegan and have been almost 2 years now! Other ways I spend my spare time is weekly family lunches with my whole family!!

SJ: What do you like about working in insurance?

JH: What I like best about my job is knowing I am helping someone. Knowing that I am able to advise others, teach others, protect and just overall help is what I enjoy best about my job!

SJ: What inspires you and why?

JH: My family and friends inspire me. They always push me because they know what I am capable of. My husband most of all. Without him by my side helping me, I don’t really know where I would be.

SJ: What are some things you like to do in your spare time? Do you do any volunteer work?

JH: In the past I have done some ministry work in Mexico helping feed the homeless and building an orphanage. Outside of that, I just try to help where needed for whoever needs help.

SJ: Who is your hero and why?

JH: My son is my hero. He makes me a better me. He makes me want to do better so that he can have and do things that I never did. In return, it helps us both be the best us!

SJ: Do you have a secret hidden talent?

JH: It’s no secret that my talent is cooking!! I am also good with billing which I guess is why I am the billing specialist here LOL!

SJ: What drives you every day?

JH: Really, it’s my family! One thing with us is that family is everything and its super important to us to always make family time. They make me want to do better for myself and to be a great role model for my son. I have to be better for him to be better. Follow by example.


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