People often ask us why we named our company Salt Jacket. Here is our story…

Once upon a time…

Salt Jacket founder, Larry Thompson grew up in in central Alaska.  The Salcha River was a frequented spot for Larry and he describes it as one of the most beautiful places on earth.  “Salchaket” or “Sol Chaget” as the Athabaskan Native Americans called it, means “where the small river meets the great river.”  The area is subject to some of the most extreme climates on earth such as freezing, snow, rains, flooding, fires, wind and even extreme heat are all common in the forecast and synonymously provide the insurance industry with 90 percent of all losses from those very perils.

Larry had his first date with his now wife, Lynne near the Salcha River, cementing it into his memory as a very special place.

Fast forward a couple of kids and a couple of decades in the insurance industry, Larry purchased the Slocum Agency here in Texas, and decided that rebranding was in order. He wanted something that would be a nod to his life while also illustrating the important services, support and comfort that he provides to his team and to his clients. Working with his marketing team in an introductory phone call to introduce the idea of the brand, the word Salchaket was thrown out as a working name until they figured out what to call it. The marketing team mistakenly heard, “Salt Jacket” and after many other ideas were brought to the table, the name felt like it was meant to be, and Salt Jacket Insurance Group was born.

When Mother nature or life throws Salt at you, we want to be the Jacket. Our dedication to protecting our clients is an essential part of our foundation, offering protection, comfort, support and peace of mind with unmatched customer support and insurance services. We are proud of what we’ve built and hope our customers feel like an extension of our family business. From our family to yours, welcome to Salt Jacket Insurance Group.


Noun. On one side of the coin, salt or salty has negative connotations, associated with bad things - things from which we need protection. On the other side of the coin, Salt is used to preserve and to bring the best of flavors to the surface. Ask a chef and they will tell you that salt is not a spice but a means to enhance and protect the flavor of a dish.


Noun. Jackets provide us with comfort and protection from the elements and warmth, allowing us to confidently go about our lives.  Sounds like the purpose of bring comfort.