Top Safety Tips for Preparing Your Thanksgiving Turkey

It’s nearly Thanksgiving and we have so much to thankful for! Coming together with friends and family to pause and be grateful over a feast is one of our favorite holidays here at Salt Jacket.

Like all of us, as Thanksgiving approaches, no doubt you've begun compiling a grocery list for the ideal holiday feast. While the more traditional dishes like green bean casserole, cranberry sauce and stuffing are essential, the turkey nearly always takes center stage at the table.

How do you prepare your turkey? Everyone’s approach is a little different. Some rise early to slow roast their turkey in the oven, lovingly nurturing it along for hours, and there are those who save time by deep-frying, which is known to produce a crispy skin while keeping the meat inside tender, juicy and delicious. However, deep-frying comes with its share of safety concerns, from cooking fires to serious burns. Let’s talk top safety tips.

If deep-frying is on your Thanksgiving agenda, consider following these eight safety guidelines:

  1. Thaw and dry the bird: Avoid spattering or spills by ensuring the turkey is completely thawed and dry before immersing it in hot oil.

  2. Don't overfill the oil: Prevent potential hazards by not exceeding the recommended oil level, as turkeys displace a significant amount of oil.

  3. Take it slowly: Ensure the fryer is level and lower the turkey into the oil gradually to minimize risks.

  4. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby: In case of a fire, have a Class B fire extinguisher ready, as water can exacerbate an oil fire.

  5. Give yourself some room: Enhance safety by placing the fryer away from the house, avoiding locations like garages, covered patios, or decks.

  6. Never leave the fryer unattended: Despite turning off the heat source, remember that the oil remains hot for an extended period, necessitating constant supervision.

  7. Keep children and pets away: Before you even start to heat up the oil, be sure in a safe space where kids and pets cannot get to you, then minimize the risk of accidents by ensuring children and pets stay at a safe distance from the fryer for the duration, even after cooking when the oil will remain hot for quite awhile.

  8. Read the manufacturer's instructions: Although it may seem mundane, familiarizing yourself with the appliance's guidelines. They can be crucial for preventing accidents and safeguarding your home.

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


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